♆ Resources

∞ Financial Literacy ∞

http://www.360financialliteracy.org Free program of the nations Certified Public Accountants to help Americans make sense of their money at every stage of lifehttp:///www.mymoney.gov Starting point for information intended by the US government to help improve the financial literacy and education of persons in the United States

http://www.mint.org Fun financial literacy activities for kids, teens, teachers and parents

https://www.jumpstart.org  Purpose is to evaluate the financial literacy of young adults

http://www.feedthepig.org  Part of a national public service campaign sponsored by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) and The Advertising Council. The goal of the campaign is to encourage and help Americans aged 25 to 34 to take control of their personal finances

∞ Learn other skills ∞

http://www.khanacademy.org  2,100 quality educational videos on various subjects including math, physics, biology, test preparations & more

http://www.coursera.org A social entrepreneurship company partnering with Stanford University, Yale & others to provide free online classes from 80+ top universities and organizations

http://www.accountingcoach.com Discover accounting with the world’s largest free online  course. Learn accounting principles, debits and credits, financial statements, break-even analysis

http://www.bized.co.uk  Business education brought to life

∞ Financial Advice ∞

http://www.kiplinger.com Personal financial advice and business forecasts

http://www.about.com/money Business Practices, Personal Finance, and Small Business resources

http://www.wisebread.com Living Large on a Small Budget


∞ Tools ∞

https://www.mint.com  Fully automatic spending tracker & budget tool

https://ww.expensify.com Track spending on a variety of platforms (web, mobile) and create expense reports, even on the go. Free automated receipt scanning tool and expenditure analysis